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we own, we rule, we are...

...members of the LinKing society. Maybe a different world...

The members presented below belongs to our more active group of members,
most of them belong to the comity.

NAME: Torkel Svensson
POSITION: President 97, 98 and 99
FAMOUS FOR: his beer guts and remaining calm (just dont touch his brew).
MEMBER: Active

NAME: Torbjorn Green
POSITION: Vice President 97 and 98
FAMOUS FOR: his excellent and most stupid fights...
Ttorbjörn Green hård som sten
MEMBER: Active

NAME: Mathias Friman
POSITION: Treasurer 97 and 99
FAMOUS FOR: his fanatic interest in Vikings and Gin.
his scotish shoes (goes well with his most intresting hat)
his amazing natural skills in "fooling the system".
MEMBER: Active + Game Master for Viking

NAME: Peter Kollegger
POSITION: Treasurer 98, suplemang!! 99
FAMOUS FOR: using the brain... except for when he bought NeoViking
(though apperantly it's not that bad!!!) "Flum" is the word
MEMBER: Active + Game Master for Eon

NAME: Anders Gabrielsson
POSITION: Secretary 97, 98 and 99
FAMOUS FOR: falling asleep, no matter what's happening around him. (that has been improved now, really!)
and droping his pants...(dont come bring this up now!)
being a hell of a coffee drinker (but then again, who isn't?)
changing the member page all the time...
MEMBER: Alive and kicking

NAME: Magnus Arnell
POSITION: is not in the comity (looser!), but even so he's one of our most active
members. His sauna, too, is very nice!
FAMOUS FOR: his poetical and wise characters and his way of playing them.
For being one of two (Torkel is the other one) members of the doc. (disciples of caffeine) comity.
MEMBER: Active + Game Master for Viking.

NAME: Helena Hurtig,( spaceman)
POSITION: Not in the comity. She is.. well she just is... LOVELY!
FAMOUS FOR: always being successful and inventive! Lots, and
lots of fun. A big Quentin Tarantino fan.
'From dusk till dawn' script
MEMBER: Active

NAME: Erik Levander
POSITION: madman's friend (not in the comity)
FAMOUS FOR: being hungry
MEMBER: Active

NAME: Karin Almstedt
POSITION: vice president 99
FAMOUS FOR: Night-vision
MEMBER: Active


Christian Wigren - madman
Michael Maslund - godi
Joar Hjartberg - our own Icelander, now smoking pot in Peru
Åsa Boberg - fanatic feminist

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